For example, after my surgery, my Fitbit recorded <2000 steps a day & days that had 2000 steps meant I was hurting & barely able to move. Now, my good days have a minimum of 2500 steps, but like today, I had almost 6000 steps & I'm not in bed wishing I was dead. While this may not seem like much to those who hit their 10,000 a day, it's a REALLY BIG THING, to reach that many steps, in a day. In fact, my dr's were ecstatic when I reached 2500 in a day, so the fact that I've gone from <10,000 steps in a week, to > 20,000 in a week is a big thing.
Another accomplishment has to do with purses. I hadn't carried a purse in about 2 years, because my back dr said I didn't need any other pressure on my spine & because quite frankly, carrying a purse caused more pain. After surgery, I started bringing a purse with me, but I always left it in the car. But now...I can carry my cross body purse for much of the day without pain.
Other accomplishments:
Today, while shopping with Meg, I realized that I can shop in the 'regular' section of a store & not just the plus-sized section.
My feet have gone down from an 81/2-9 to an 8. The same size I was when I got prego with Meg.
I don't HAVE to nap everyday, in order to manage my pain. Instead, I get to nap when I want to, just for the sake of napping! And let's face it, everyone loves a good nap!
I mentioned shopping earlier, but in the 2 yrs since Fibro entered my life, I have gone shopping with Meg only a handful of times. Partially because shopping is overwhelming, but also because shopping increased my pain! Today, I shopped for several hours, with her, and only started hurting towards the end! (Shopping is one of Meg's love languages, but it's really about quality time, so being able to do this is huge!)
I can cook dinner.
I can clean my kitchen.
I can do laundry-ish.
I can sit anywhere, without worry that I'm going to break someone's chair.
There are probably more accomplishments that I'm not thinking about, but I just wanted to share a bit about what this journey has meant to me. It's so much more than a number on a scale.